Thursday, 13 September 2012

Head cold... and email marketing?!

I’m suffering with a horrible head cold this week - yuck. Can’t hear properly, barking cough, bunged up nose, aching limbs, the hole 9 yards (or 8.23 metres if you prefer metric!) I haven’t really achieved much in terms of drawing & colouring Bible Cartoons, although I did manage to finish the Philippians 3 “Imitating Christ’s Humility” one, which is the first cartoon in that New Testament book of the Bible.

However, all is not doom & gloom! I am taking time to sip lemon juice & honey, which is nice! But apart from that, I am researching (on-line) Internet marketing. I’m wondering if it would be a good idea to create a regular news-sheet (bi-monthly?)which can be emailed to readers via an opt-in page on the BC website. That way I can remind people of my continued existence (!) & hopefully gather new viewers, readers & potential customers in the process. I can let people know what Bible Cartoons offers & keep people abreast of our progress & development.

That all sounds great... but there is a LOT to research & reading to do to make that actually happen! There are so many email management systems/programs out there... which one should I use? There are all sorts of anti-spamming rules, guidelines, etc to consider. Even creating an email list seems to take ages. Then I need to find a way to get people to opt-in to my newsletter, news sheet, or whatever it is. I looked into this several months ago & I gave up due to information overload & analysis paralysis... now I know why!

However, “nothing ventured, nothing gained” as the saying goes. So I’ll just have to trawl through all the on-line advice, information, teaching videos, & technical blurb & try to make a reasonably well informed decision about it all before I get better & am just back to drawing the cartoons... after all, once I’m better I won’t have time to look into the merits & pitfalls of email marketing!

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