Thursday 27 March 2014

Joshua & the river Jordan miracle

 Promised land. The scenes show the Hebrew’s approaching the swollen & dangerous river Jordan, but then God’s amazing intervention on their behalf, as He divides the waters so that they can cross into the promised land on dry ground.

I have also included three of these scenes without the figures, so that you can see the background scenery more clearly.

Joshua 03 - Jordan crossing - Scene 01 - Officers orders

Joshua 03 - Jordan crossing - Scene 02 - 12 men

Joshua 03 - Jordan crossing - Scene 03 - Jordan in flood

Joshua 03 - Jordan crossing - Scene 03 - Jordan in flood - Landscape

Joshua 03 - Jordan crossing - Scene 04 - River waters divided

Joshua 03 - Jordan crossing - Scene 04 - River waters divided - Landscape

Joshua 03 - Jordan crossing - Scene 05 - River crossing

Joshua 03 - Jordan crossing - Scene 05 - River crossing - Landscape

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