Thursday 27 March 2014

Bible Cartoons for American Christian sports organisation

I’ve finished the Bible Cartoons for the American Christian sports organisation, see below:

Exodus 01 - Hebrews oppressed - Scene 03 - Hard labour

Exodus 02 - Birth of Moses - Scene 01 - Nile Basket

Exodus 02 - Birth of Moses - Scene 02 - Pharaoh’s daughter

Exodus 02 - Birth of Moses - Scene 04 - Moses playing

Exodus 02 - Moses murders - Scene 01 - Egyptian slave master

Exodus 03 - Burning Bush - Scene 01 - Wonder (fiery version)

Exodus 03 - Burning Bush - Scene 01 - Wonder (shadow version)

Exodus 03 - Burning Bush - Scene 02 - God calls to Moses

Exodus 04 - Burning Bush - Scene 04 - Staff

Exodus 04 - Burning Bush - Scene 05 - Snake staff (Large version)

Exodus 04 - Burning Bush - Scene 05 - Snake staff (Small version)

Exodus 14 - Parting of the Red Sea - Scene 10 - Walking through (version 03)

Deuteronomy 34 - Death of Moses - Scene 01 - Promised land

Joshua 03 - Jordan crossing - scene 05 - River crossing

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