Monday 7 January 2013

He [Jesus] must become greater; I must become less

When we read John the Baptist say, 'He [Jesus] must become greater; I must become less.' (John 3:30 (ANIV)) I wonder if some people think that means we ought to somehow rid ourselves of our own desires, likes, personality or uniqueness. However, God has made us exactly the way He wants us... warts & all! Of course we are to grow up & mature in faith. But John the Baptist was talking about bowing out of ministry gracefully, in order to allow the "spotlight" to rest fully on Jesus & His ministry, which was coming next. In no way was John saying that he should become less of all that John the Baptist stood for, or liked, or had as his own personality. For certainly God was delighted with John's fearlessness & dedication in his own pre-Jesus ministry.

We are similarly not to take that verse to mean that God is somehow unhappy with us as we are. God accepts us JUST as we are & saves our souls - Praise the Lord!

So don't think you ought to get rid of some aspect of your personality or nature... that's not what John the Baptist was saying or inferring at all. By all means grow up in your Christian faith just as fast as you can, but do not think that God is not smiling down on the least thing that you do for Him & is just as delighted with you & your efforts as He was of Jesus, John, & theirs.

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