Wednesday 23 January 2013

Esther cartoons

I have just uploaded 4 Bible Cartoons which I completed yesterday, telling part of the story of Esther. They are for a Bible-based sports ministry in America, called UW Sports Ministry, here’s their website address if you want to see their mission & work:

The 4 cartoons are part of a 17 cartoon contract. I will be producing cartoons from the books of 1 Samuel (David & Goliath), Acts (Paul & Barnabas, & Philip & the Ethiopian eunuch), Joshua, & Esther. UW Sports will be using the cartoons on flash cards, to teach their visiting children these bible stories. Of course I have arranged to retain copyright of the images & have negotiated to have these cartoons available on the BC website.

I am particularly pleased with the 4 Esther cartoons, see below:

Esther 00 - Esther in field
Although not mentioned in the Bible, the American company wanted this scene.

Esther 02 - Esther becomes queen - Scene 05 - Crowned queen
I enjoyed drawing the opulent clothing in this one.

Esther 04 - Mordecai requests Esther’s help - Scene 03 - Hathach

Esther 05 - Esther’s banquet - Scene 01 - Xerxes receives Esther
I am particularly pleased with the lighting effects in this one: the torch light & shadow of the guard on the right.

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