Why do people like to inflict malicious software (aka malware) on people they don't even know? I’m sure there is some hidden reason. Someone must have done a study of this anti-social behaviour! But the reasons elude me.
Anyway, God asks us to pray for our "enemies" so here goes:
- I ask the Lord to bless all malware and virus writers, hackers and others of this cyber-destructive ilk with a big dose of self respect - surely they must not be feeling good about themselves, or the world they live in, in order to be so destructive.
- Lord, these people have amazing skills, talents & insights. They understand computers and what makes them “tick”, which is brilliant. Their problem-solving skills are phenomenal. Such talent... and yet they choose to use these fantastic skills to hurt people. That seems like such a waste of talent. Please help these people to see that it a waste of their time, skills and talents too.
- I ask the Lord to bless all malware and virus writers with a huge dose of respect for other people. Perhaps that would break the malicious pleasure they get from sending out these destructive programs into the world.
- Please Lord make their sense of “victory” or achievement seem shallow and meaningless to themselves, when they break into other people’s computers or send out any harmful programs.
- Please replace that destructive tendency with a more positive, constructive one. Help them to feel positive and to want to be useful and constructive rather than destructive. Help these people to turn away from using their skills to harm and turn instead to doing good. Then let them feel great about themselves for choosing to do good.
- Bless all malware & virus writers, hackers, etc with a conscience and the deep, irresistible desire to do good instead of evil.
- Bless them with peace, once they turn away from their evil practices.
- Bless them in so many brilliant and varied ways that they WANT to turn away from their destructive ways, and to turn their amazing skills towards benefiting people, instead of harming them.
- Bless them with "seeing the light"; the light of Christ.
- And when they change natures and turn away from their evil-doing, help us all to accept malware, virus writers, hackers, etc and to FORGIVE THEM COMPLETELY for their past evil deeds. There is great power to change in forgiveness and we confess that heavenly power over all malware and virus writers now. Help us to acknowledge their skills and abilities and to accept their changed natures, just as we know that you accept them completely, dear Lord Jesus. You show us the way in your offer of complete forgiveness for our sins and wrong-doing... help us to do the same.
Thank you Lord Jesus, Amen.